Friday, July 30, 2010

Aerial Rescue Chopper by Leong Huang Zi

Aerial Rescue Chopper, Leong Huang Zi, ARC, Futuristic Aircraft

While envisioning a scenario after 100 years or so, Malaysian designer Leong Huang Zi comes up with amazing concept dubbed the ARC (Aerial Rescue Chopper). The ARC is designed for a distant future where there will be a federation of nations to help keep the order. The chopper with retro feel yet futuristic design will fly in that world being the part of Universal Military Service Corp (UMSC). Designed as a multipurpose chopper for rescue operations in UMSC, Aerial Rescue Chopper features unique duo fan propeller, distinctive air turbo system with the capability to navigate rough terrains. This chopper is meant for surveillance and scouting in land and sea divisions.

Aerial Rescue Chopper, Leong Huang Zi, ARC, Futuristic Aircraft

Aerial Rescue Chopper, Leong Huang Zi, ARC, Futuristic Aircraft

Aerial Rescue Chopper, Leong Huang Zi, ARC, Futuristic Aircraft

Aerial Rescue Chopper, Leong Huang Zi, ARC, Futuristic Aircraft

Aerial Rescue Chopper, Leong Huang Zi, ARC, Futuristic Aircraft

Aerial Rescue Chopper, Leong Huang Zi, ARC, Futuristic Aircraft

Aerial Rescue Chopper, Leong Huang Zi, ARC, Futuristic Aircraft

Aerial Rescue Chopper, Leong Huang Zi, ARC, Futuristic Aircraft


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